Friday, September 5, 2008

How to Crochet Amigurumi Eyeballs

Yes, really. I crocheted some eyeballs.
I don't own a small jar, so to display them I opted for a glass. The problem with this is that they don't look remotely scary. More like a ...cocktail.
Mine are about the size of a real eyeball, I think. And no, I have no idea what to do with them.
Chain 2 with black.
  1. Into the second ch from the hook  5 sc.
  2. With the colour of your choice, sc inc around (10).
  3. With white, *sc, sc inc* around (15).
  4. *2 sc, sc inc* around (20).
  5. *3 sc, sc inc* around (25).
  6. *4 sc, sc inc* around (30).
  7. Sc around.
  8. Sc around.
  9. Sc around.
  10. *4 sc, sc dec* around (25).
  11. *3 sc, sc dec* around (20).
  12. *2 sc, sc dec* around (15).
  13. *1 sc, sc dec* around (10).
  14. Sc dec around, stuff, sew shut.
Bonus photos! This is what my desk looks like, when I'm working on a pattern.
P.S. If you try this pattern, please leave a comment! I would also love to see a picture of the finished product:)


  1. This is what you're getting for Christmas! :D

  2. oh yes, they would make a nice necklace...or not ;)

  3. Here's lookin' at you, kid!

  4. wow those are cool

  5. Cool!

    I would make a few...if I could find my white yarn...but unfortunately all I have at the moment is blue, as my stock is completely gone. Blue would make an...interesting eyeball, hmm? ;)

    Without the iris and pupil, though, this is a good pattern for a ball, so I might just make a hackey-sack or two.


  6. These are wonderful. I have just discovered amigurumi and these were great practice, plus I love anything unusual!
    I have done a humourous little post about them on my blog if you would like to check it out.
    Thanks for posting the pattern.

  7. Okay, I just found these and I'm totally squeeing xD I'm going to be starting a new job exclusively related to eyeballs, so even my mates and colleagues will get a kick out of these. I wonder if it'll look odd if the iris was a bit wider..

  8. these are great! i'm definitely going to make them. thanks for the pattern.

  9. i will male these see i'm wolfdays from ravelry i already made eyeballs but i going to make these as well

  10. awesome! I've been planning on making a whole bunch of tiny amigurumi and making charm bracelets and earrings from them. these are def going on the list. But first I'll make a full size pair and attach them to a hair elastic so I can have eyes in the back of my head! LOL


  11. I have questions regarding making some of your patterns, or parts of you patters for resale. Please email me at I am a stay at home mom of two under three years. I wouldn't be going super busy, but I am considering making some spending money. I would have emailed, but my email generator isn't set up and I couldn't find a link to copy/paste to write to you. Thanks.

  12. i will try to do them, thanks

  13. Hi ! Can I use this pattern also in my blog ?
    I would translate it into estonian and
    do iris a little bigger . ;)

  14. Those are amazing will make some for my needles *evil grin*

  15. Thank you for this pattern, it was really helpful! I used it as a base to make one of the Cores from the game Portal 2 and it came out really nice. I was wondering if I could post the modified pattern on my tumblr if I gave you credit for this one and added a link back here?

  16. Love them think I'll make mine blood shot. Grandson will love them as he loves the strange and weird. He also likes the cute too. He saw a Yoda figurine (Star Wars of course) and even though loves star wars and Yoda he didn't like this figure as he thought they made Yoda look scary.

  17. What size crochet hook?

  18. That's a cool idea for my crochet halloween bracelet consists of little balls. Thanks! :-)
