Monday, October 6, 2008

Fingerless Mittens

It's starting to get pretty cold in here...


So, I decided to knit a pair of fingerless gloves.

I'm a very inexperienced knitter, so there are quite a few mistakes. The reason I chose black yarn is that it's pretty much the only colour I wear, but now it's also good because my mistakes don't show so well!

I'm going to wear another pair of gloves underneath these, since it's already too cold to expose your bare fingers to the weather outside.

The pattern (in Finnish) is by Elina Aro and is called Polysemiakämmekkäät.



Well, at least they are almost the same size!


  1. HEIII! Noi onki käytännölliset, rustaas mulleki tollaset paitsi että tee niihi myös sellanen et voi laittaa myös sormien päälle lapasta. Eli sellanen kääntösysteemi, tiedät varmaan?

  2. joo, tiedän mitä tarkotat. pitää kattoo jos löytyis joku ohje sellasille. ilman en ossoo...
