Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Shopping Bag

Here in Finland, when you go grocery shopping, the plastic bags are not free, you have to pay for them. It gets expensive after a while if you have to buy a new bag each time, and for garbage bags it’s cheaper to buy a whole roll of them.

You can buy fabric bags in stores, they are cheap, 2€ I think, but they are of non-dyed cotton and not very pretty. So, I decided to make one for myself.


I keep it in my handbag, and you can see I fished it out from there for this photo. It’s bit dusty and wrinkled, but at least you get a realistic picture of what it actually looks like in use…

It’s smoke-blue linen (almost the same colour as the wall…), with some sequins for embellishment.


On a side note, in Finland, you bag your own groceries, there is no-one to do it for you. We’re big on self-service… It caused great confusion when I tried to do it in China.


  1. Aikamoinen kassi... Pimp up my bag. Näyttää kyllä kamalalta bling bling lelulta :D

  2. Eikun tää on just hieno! :P Mieti nyt mikä combo: pellavaa ja glitteriä!

  3. Käyhä kattomassa mun blogi ja sen jälkeen mainosta sitä kaikille kavereilles.
