Monday, July 27, 2009

Felt Moustaches

My cousin got married in June. I was one of her maid of honors, and I did some crafts for the wedding.

The most successful of which were these moustaches, I think.

Särkänniemi 003

Here they are drying on my desk before the wedding.

At the wedding we had a photo booth type of thing, where the guests could take pictures of themselves wearing the moustaches. The pictures are quite hilarious! Sadly, I can’t post them all here, as I don’t have a permission, but here are my parents in action:


We also had a guestbook, with space for pictures next to the guest’s signatures, well wishes etc. The moustache pictures and other pictures taken at the wedding are going to be glued in there. We already tested it out and it looks awesome! So much more colourful and personal than a regular guestbook.


  1. Hei. Nyt vaihat ton palkin tuolta vasemmalta takas oikeelle. Se sekottaa mun PÄÄNI.


  2. Pitäsköhän ton nuorenparin kasvattaa ihan oikeesti tuollaiset viikset, nehän oikeen muhkean näköiset.
