Tuesday, November 26, 2013

DIY Lip Balm

How to make your own lip balm, it’s very easy!

DIY Lip Balm Imaginary Wardrobe

I’ve been making my own lip balm for a few years now. Mainly, because of my allergy to kathon cg and my atopic eczema, I couldn’t find one that suited me. When you make your own you can really tailor the ingredients for your own needs. The recipe I use is from Design Sponge and it has worked very well for me. I usually make half the recipe, which makes about 4 tubes.

I ordered some new lip balm supplies last week and decided to try them out. And while doing so I thought why not document it a bit, so next time I can remember what I did and what to do differently.

DIY Lip Balm What You Need Imaginary Wardrobe


  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp. beeswax
  • 3-5 drops essential oil of your choice (optional), I used tea tree oil
  • flavourings and sweetener to taste (optional), I used vanilla and honey
  • grater and a cutting board
  • a heatproof cup, I like this because it has a handle and a spout
  • a tablespoon
  • empty lip balm tubes

DIY Lip Balm How To Imaginary Wardrobe

  1. Start by grating the beeswax. Measure it by lightly patting it into the tablespoon, don’t push or the lip balm will be too hard. If you grate too much, that’s ok. Just put it back to the bag and use it next time!
  2. Add grated beeswax and coconut oil to the heatproof cup.
  3. Warm the mixture in the microwave. Keep a close eye on it, because the coconut oil melts in a few seconds. Stir so that the beeswax melts faster, then heat and stir more as needed. I’d say about 30 seconds total.
  4. The mixture should look like even honey coloured liquid when it’s ready. There should be no beeswax chunks floating there. Now is the time to add you extras if you want to. I use tea tree oil. This time, I also added vanilla and honey flavour oils and some sweetener. I’d never used those before so I only added a few drops each, and I have to say I can’t really notice them at all. Next time I’ll add more.
  5. Pour the mixture into the empty lip balm tubes and let them cool for a bit. They should be usable in about a minute, at least if you live in a cold country like I do. There might be some overflow, but just put the caps on and wipe them clean.

DIY Lip Balm Imaginary Wardrobe

You’ve just made your own lip balm!

DIY Lip Balm Imaginary Wardrobe