Sunday, June 11, 2017

Amigurumi Cloud Troubleshooting

Hands down the most popular pattern on my blog is the pattern for the amigurumi cloud. It has probably more hits than the rest combined. It's also the pattern people seem to have most trouble with. And I get that. I wrote it the best I could, and couldn't really figure out how better to explain it. But I think I finally figured out a way to help! If you follow this guide, you'll just need to know the number of increases and decreases as marked at the beginning of each row of the pattern and you don't need to count the sc in between.

So here is a step by step guide to crocheting my amigurumi cloud pattern

First, you should check out the pattern to know what I'm talking about.

Second, for this guide I've done all the
3sc (sc three times into a stitchin green yarn
sc dec in pink yarn
this is just to help illustrate where the increases and decreases are, not to be used when you crochet your cloud.

Third, I've chosen not to stuff my cloud for this tutorial, because that way it's easier to illustrate where the increases and decreases are, but you should stuff as you go.

Fourth, I recommend reading the whole guide through before starting, I think it'll be a lot clearer that way.

So on to the guide!
Do the magic ring or crochet two, and crochet the first 3 rows of the pattern.
4. Sc dec. I've done this in pink so you can see it better. From here on, this is the middle stitch and all the increases and decreases line up around this stitch. You'll see what I mean in a minute.
5. Sc around until you reach the sc dec of the previous round. 
Into this 3sc (marked with green). As you see we're already lining up decreases and increases on top of each other.
6. Sc around, until you reach the 3sc of the previous round. Into the first of the three stitches do 3sc.
Into the middle one sc once (white).
And into the last one 3sc.  That's increases for row 6 done. This is what you will be repeating for the increases. All the increases are like this on top of each other. There are no increases (or decreases) on the sides or on the bottom of the cloud. All the increases are here on top of the cloud, touching each other. I'll show you a few more rounds.
Sc around until you reach the middle stitch (marked with white).
 7. 3sc into that middle stitch.
So here you can see what we've done so far: there is pink dec stitch, on top of that a 3sc, in the middle of that a sc, and the again a 3sc. Sc around until you reach the 3sc.
The round 8 is the same as round 6: 3sc in the first of the 3sc of the previous round, sc in to the middle stitch, 3sc into the last. Sc around. And round 9 is the same as round 7: 3sc in the middle stitch. 
10. The same as rounds 6 and 8.That's all the increases for the first bump done. 
Do one sc round (round 11).
Now onto the decreases. Four stitches before the middle stitch, stop.
12. Sc dec twice.
 Sc dec twice. That's the first round of decreases done.
Sc around until you reach the first two dec.
13. Sc dec once.
Sc into the middle stitch. Sc dec once.
Here's a side view so you can see what we've done so far. The increases in green going up, and decreases in pink coming down. As you can see all the increases and decreases are lining up on top. Sides and bottom are just white.
OK. Rounds 14 and 15 are the same as round 13. Sc in the middle stitch and sc dec once on either side. That's all four decrease rounds for the first bump done.
Sc until you reach the middle stitch again.
16. 3sc into the middle stitch.
17. The same as rounds 6, 8 and 10.
Here's a side view again. All the increases and decreases lining up on top. Just a few decreases left!
18. Sc around.
19. Same as round 12. Stop four stitches before the middle stitch, sc dec twice, sc in the middle stitch, sc dec twice.
20. The same as rounds 12 and 19.
21. Same as rounds 12, 19 and 20. That's the last bump done! See how all the middle stitches (in white) line up between the green and pink?
Sc around until you reach the middle stitch.
22. 3sc in the middle stitch.
Do a round of sc.
23. Sc dec 8 times.  Sew shut. You are done!
Here's a side view of the finished (flat) cloud. You can clearly (I hope) see all the increases and decreases.
From the other side.
And from above. See how all the middle stitches (in white) are on top of each other and all the increases and decreases line up around them?

So that's the guide. Was it helpful? 

If you have any questions or corrections please leave them below and I'll update the guide accordingly.


  1. When doing the last few rows I did not end up with 22 stitches. Is it meant to crochet around and around for the last 22 or should I have had 22 sc's? I can't figure it out but it turned out ok.

    1. Hey! You're not supposed to end up with 22 stitches, so you probably did it right! I can't remember from the top of my head how many stitches you should have, but that 22 stitches mentioned in the pattern refers to the round all the way from the last increase AND the next round, before the final decreases. So almost two rounds of sc. I know it's a bit confusing, sorry! Did that help at all?
