Wednesday, January 24, 2018


This post is about... drum roll please... needle felting. Boom.
The first needle felting I tried was using cookie cutters as a mold. You take a cookie cutter, stuff it full of wool and stab away with a felting needle. I was inspired to try needle felting after reading this post on the Homesong blog, it made felting seem doable (she did it with her kids!). If you want a tutorial hop over to her blog.
The first few I made were stars for our Christmas tree, but when I went on to hang them on our tree they felt a bit thin and flimsy. I made a few white ones and then a gingerbread one, which you can see it here on my InstagramThe decoration or "icing" is a bit more complicated than what you see on these pictures.

Anyway, I wasn't satisfied with the way they looked and I decided to try again. I grabbed this pretty snowflake cookie cutter from the grocery store and felted away. This time I made the felt thicker, almost 1 cm, and I much prefer the chunkier feel.

I made the white one, was very pleased, and started to make another... and run out of white wool. Doh. 

So, I decided to make another gingerbread one. Luckily, I had a bit of white left for the icing. This time I made the "icing" thicker and design simpler and I much prefer it this way. I'm all about simple and clean.
Now, I want to buy all the cookie cutters and make a bunch of these! And order more wool. I so need more wool.

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